발전기 100% 고정자 지락보호

작성자 : 운영자
작성일 : 20-05-18 10:59 조회수 : 3,883
윤제훈님의 질의에 답변해 드립니다.
교재에 설명된 내용은 IEEE C37.101-2006의 7.18.6 Subharmonic Voltage Injection(Page 36)의 내용을 참조하여 기술하였습니다.
"The major disadvantage of a neutral injection scheme is the economic penalty associated with providing and maintaining reliable subharmonic source and injection coupling equipment. In addition, caution should be exercised when servicing an off-line machine, for if the injection voltage remains energized during service, hazardous voltages will be present at the generator terminals. Due to this safety concern, the injector system is typically supplied from the generator vts. With the injector being supplied by the generator VTs, if the generator is taken off-line with the VTs racked out and grounded, no injection quantity can be produced."
발전기 정지기간에 점검이나 유지보수를 위하여 발전기 회로와 접촉할 우려가 있을 경우만 Injection장치를 정지하면 되겠으나, 안전을 고려한다면 정지중에는 Injection 장치를 자동으로 정지하는 것이 좋겠습니다.-김석일 드림


